The last time I blogged was October 20th... so my update will start from the weekend right after that.

October 24th was homecoming chapel here at my school and on that day, they give the seniors alumni blankets! Now, since it's my fifth year, I've been waiting a very long time to get this blanket. It was a very joyous day for me. Also on that marvelous day, my amazingly talented boyfriend, Asa, was at school to play on the alumni worship team for chapel. It was so great to see him on the stage again and have him back to sit next to in chapel. After chapel, him and I enjoyed some Chipotle for lunch and headed back down to Maryland (where he lives) for the weekend! It was really nice to have him along for the drive down there. He took a bus up the night before and some friends and I picked him up in Philadelphia. So having him in the car with me for the two and a half hour drive down to his house was really nice. I love that boy. We enjoyed dinner that night at the home of our friends Marvin and Dina! All in all, it was a fantastic day.
That whole weekend in Maryland was spent celebrating the boy you see to the left. It was the weekend of his 22nd birthday! Also should point out, that he's exactly two weeks younger than me. Probably doesn't mean much to any of you, but I've always thought it was super cool. Anyway, he's feeling 22 now and I think that we both actually feel a little more grown up now. That weekend we relaxed and shopped a little bit. We also went to a harvest party for the young adults group from his church and we carved pumpkins and ate chili and has some fellowship. We also went bowling and had some tasty Starbucks together... which has become one of our favorite things to do. We spent some time together on his birthday and then I drove back to school. This boy means the absolute world to me. He's my best friend and I'm so blessed by his love, patience, and grace. I can't believe he's mine, and I'm so incredibly thankful.
Fast forward to the weekend of November 7th and 8th... these two days were so much fun! Asa drove up Friday morning and after chapel that day, we left to drive home to Massachusetts to surprise my Dad, Mom, and Sister for my Dad's birthday that weekend! They had NO IDEA we were coming and it was absolutely AMAZING. We walked into Bertucci's right as they were telling the hostess a table for 3 and I said "you may want to make that a table for 5!" and their jaws dropped! Perfect surprise! We enjoyed a delicious meal with them that evening and then the next day we went to a breakfast at my Nana's place and went to see Interstellar with my Dad and Sister! We drove back to PA Saturday night because Asa had to be back to MD by Sunday to lead worship. However, this was a completely amazing weekend.
I'd like to introduce you to one of my favorite new places to visit. This is Havre de Grace, Maryland... otherwise known as "halfway" between me and Asa. We met in this gorgeous little town for a day last weekend and explored. We walked along the "promenade" which is kind of like a little boardwalk along the chesapeake bay (pictured) and we also walked around the area surrounding the Concord Point Lighthouse. Then we went into the little town and explored the little shops! We spent a good amount of time in a HUGE antique store and then we grabbed some goodies from the local bakery. We looked around a print ship and some other little artsy stores. We ended our time enjoying some hot drinks (me, coffee. him, hot cider) at the local coffee shop "Concord Point Coffee" and it was absolutely delicious! Havre de Grace quickly became one of my favorite places to visit and I can't wait to go again sometime and explore some more!
Finally, this past weekend, I headed to Maryland (yes again) to see my boy and spend a much needed full weekend away from school. Friday night we went to see the new Hunger Games movie and if you haven't seen it... I won't spoil it for you... but I will tell you to get to a movie theater as soon as possible to see it! It was SO good!!! Also, we saw it in XD (extreme digital) at the Egyptian 24 theater in Hanover, MD. This is by FAR the coolest movie theater I've ever been to! If you're in the southern Baltimore area, you must check this place out.
On Saturday, we got an early start and headed into Washington D.C. for the day... personally, I love D.C! I've been twice in the summer and twice in the fall and I like it SO MUCH BETTER in the fall. Summer is just hot and sticky and there are so many more people. This was us in the morning on the train into the city! We had planned to do a lot more that day than we actually got around to doing. We decided to skip the museums and just see the outdoor monuments (except for the National Archives) because it was an absolutely beautiful day! We went to the White House sporting our Starbucks lattes, of course. Then we wandered around and found some lunch. We hopped back on the metro and then walked on down to the Jefferson Memorial, from there we headed over to the FDR and MLK memorials and finally to the Lincoln Memorial, WWII Memorial, and the Washington Monument. I love the city of DC, and I love adventuring with my handsome boy.
Here is a picture of me that Asa snapped in front of a super cool water wall. He's a pretty good photographer, I'd say.
The two of us at the base of the Jefferson Memorial with the Washington Monument in the background.
Finally, a panoramic of the Tidal Basin with the Jefferson Memorial on the left and the Washington Monument on the right.
Whew! That's a very quick update on my life! I hope you've enjoyed reading it and looking at the pictures! I need to try and update this blog more often!
What have you been up to lately?
Looks like you've been having a great month!
ReplyDeleteI certainly have! I hope you are too! :)