Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A Wintery Day

Greetings from the Berkshires! Winter Storm Cato is in full swing here. I'm thankful I was able to drive home yesterday before the storm. After my class yesterday, I left from Pennsylvania and made it up to Hancock, MA later in the evening. This is where my family is spending Thanksgiving this year. Normally, we go up to Stowe, Vermont for a stay at The Village Green... but this year we're switching it up and staying at Vacation Village in Hancock in the Berkshire Mountains, Western Massachusetts. It's super cozy here and it's even better being with my family. Last night and today so far, it's been just my sister Sarah, our Nana and her boyfriend Bill and I. It's been lovely, but I am so excited for the rest of my family to arrive in the next twenty-four hours. My parents are on their way up here now, my cousins are coming tonight, and my uncles, aunt, and other cousins are coming tomorrow morning! This time that I have with my family is one of my most cherished times and always creates some of the most fond memories. 

For now, we are sitting out the storm. I'm cuddled up under a blanket and when I'm done with this post I'm going to crochet more of the blanket I've been working on. I love warm drinks on cold days. We're watching a Christmas movie by the fireplace. My family means so much to me... I love spending this time of year with them. My heart is so full. Pray that the rest of my family makes it here safely in the storm! 

What about you? What do you like to do on cold and snowy days? 

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