The first time I stepped onto the campus of Valley Forge Christian College I was a fourteen year old high school freshman with no real reason to be at a college visit. I don't remember what my reasoning was for wanting to go... but it was probably just to get the couple days off of school. I never expected that God could call me that year to attend that very school when I was so young and had all four years of high school left, but that's exactly what happened. I'll never forget that first year of breakaway... I remember the exact room I stayed in, who I stayed with, the messages and the very spot I knelt in the chapel when God ever so gently whispered to me "you belong here". The campus was very different then... Cardone Hall was not yet built, the anvil was still the old bookstore, and beisel annex was a girls dorm, among other differences between now and then. It was one of my favorite trips, and it became an annual occurrence for me. Each year of high school, I attended the November breakaway with my youth group, and every year I stayed in Beisel Annex with Julie Serbin (now Lund). I made connections early by coming every year, which made my transition in as a freshman in 2010 much easier. It was always Valley Forge, there was a point my senior year that I considered going somewhere else, but God corrected that pretty quick. I applied and was quickly accepted in April of 2010 and thus began planning the next four years of my life.
That was four and a half years ago. Turns out Valley Forge would take more than four years for me to get through, which is fine. I sit here in the anvil as a super senior at the school that God called me to go to almost eight years ago. Although there have been many points throughout my time here that I considered leaving and that my journey through these hallways and buildings has been extremely difficult... I never stopped believing that God had me here for a reason, and that's exactly what has kept me here this long. I have trusted in God and His call He placed on my life that November day in 2006. I've learned such valuable life lessons, met some pretty incredible people, and made friendships that will last a lifetime. Even though my time at Valley Forge is soon coming to a close, I would not change one thing from the last four years... my experience here has been incredible, challenging, stretching, and fulfilling.
Today is a monumental day in the history of this school that I have grown to love so much. Today is the day that we became the University of Valley Forge! Chapel was unlike any other and the celebrations continue with class cancellations and cake and new shirts and contests and all kinds of fun things. This change is huge for my beloved school, and I feel incredibly blessed to be part of such a day.
No longer am I the fourteen year old high school freshman who daydreams of life attending Valley Forge Christian College... now I'm the almost twenty-two year old university senior who is daydreaming about life after I graduate with the first class to ever graduate from the University of Valley Forge. I'm so grateful today that God pursues us and that His plan is so perfect for us. I'm so grateful that He called me to this place and I'm so grateful that I followed Him here.
Thank you for four amazing years VFCC! Here's to an amazing final year at UVF!
please enjoy these pictures throughout my Valley Forge Journey...
breakaway 2008, Valley Forge National Park |
my freshman year roommates. Labrina, Bitsy, and Myself. (L-R) |
even though we didn't stay roommates all our years, we had to take a picture on their graduation day. love these two. |
Asa and I freshman year. little did I know when this picture was taken how much he would end up meaning to me. |
Asa and I senior year. This guy has seen every side of me and stood by me every step of the journey. I'm so grateful for him in my life. |
Freshman Year |
Sophomore Year |
Junior Year |
Senior Year, Part 1 |
Senior Year, Part 2 |
Kaycie! It was so fun to read about your VFCC... UVF.. :) journey in this post! I'm glad God led you here and that you have such a positive perspective looking back. Today's celebration was so fun, wasn't it? Really cool of the school to set that all up!