The craziness over 50 shades of Grey has started again. All over my social media, it's all I see. Granted, most people that I have as friends or follow are speaking ill of it... but as I read comments on other forums, I can hardly believe all the people who are raving about it. Now, I've never read the book myself, nor do I have any intention to see the movie. Last night, I did a little research to see what all the fuss was about. What I gathered from that is that it's about a control freak, abusive guy who takes advantage of a meek and mild mannered woman. However, I also picked up that the book is quite verbally graphic... I read a couple excerpts from it and didn't dare read one more word. It was absolutely disgusting and if the book was that bad, I don't even want to think about what the movie will be like... I didn't even dare watch the trailer.
I don't understand why so many women are obsessing over this explicit, vulgar piece of literature, and even desiring to spend MONEY and see a dramatized version of it. It is purely and completely wrong, and nothing that we should be allowing to poison our minds and hearts. I hope that the movie is one of the biggest flops hollywood has ever seen, but sadly, I know that will most likely not be the case.
I want to share with you the reasons I will not be reading the book or seeing the movie... and I completely urge you to do the same.
1. We are called to Purity and Holiness.
Philippians 4:8 says this: "Finally brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy- think about such things."
I try to live my life according to that verse, among other verses. Nothing that is in 50 Shades of Grey will fall in line with the things that we are supposed to be allowing into our brains. If I am trying to live my life and guard my mind according to Philippians 4:8... then why would I allow the images that will undoubtedly be on the screen in hundreds of movie theaters into my head? Why would I allow those things to affect my brain and shape the way that I see men and the way that I see people in general?
2. I want to Guard my Heart.
Proverbs 4:23 says: "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it."
I've always struggled with guarding my heart. I tend to be an open book, I'll sit down with almost anyone and tell them my life story. Someone once told me I'm like one of the big rotating gas station signs on the side of a highway, you can see me for a while and I shine bright, there's no hiding me. Keeping my heart so open has caused me a great deal of pain in my life... and it's something I'm working on. Another way that my heart gets in trouble is actually from books and movies, which is ironic since I enjoy those things so incredibly much. Sometimes, I allow myself to get attached to characters and story lines in these forms of entertainment (as many women do) and then when they're over... I am sometimes left not knowing what to do... or trying to live my life how the characters in the book or movie did (obviously to a certain extent... I'm not going to go try and find a murderer on a plane after watching "Non Stop") If I were to allow myself to get caught up in the characters of this book/movie... what good would that do me? If I am truly trying to protect my heart and guard it, why would I allow my heart to be open to those images and words?
3. I wouldn't go see it with my Dad or Boyfriend/Future Husband.
This is something that I try to have as a guideline when it comes to entertainment. If I wouldn't want to watch it, read it, or listen to it with my Dad... then I steer clear of it. It's like a saying I've seen about how far is too far in dating... "if you wouldn't do it in front of your father... it's too far." I think the same goes for this. I love my Daddy (yes, I'm 21 years old and still call him Daddy... say something) and I care a great deal about how he thinks of me. My Dad is a wonderful, Christ centered man who has led our household with patience and love, and he has been an amazing example of what I eventually want in a husband... which brings me to my second part. I wouldn't go see this movie with Asa... nor would I want him to go see it. I want to protect myself for him as much as I can, and allowing those images and things into my heart and brain is accomplishing the exact opposite of that. If I would feel awkward or uncomfortable watching it with my Dad or Asa... it's not a good idea to see it at all... that's just a standard that I live my life by.
Now, I encourage you... please protect yourself. Please don't allow this fantasized book/movie encapsulate your heart and mind. It is unhealthy, and you are worth more than that. You are called to more than that.
Be Blessed, Beautiful People. xoxo
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Thursday, July 24, 2014
i heart A21
Just want to take a minute to tell you guys about an organization that I'm passionate about. The A21 Campaign is a totally awesome organization that works to prevent human trafficking in countries and cities around the world. I've had the excellent opportunity to work with them a couple times on my trips to Greece.
"The A21 Campaign exists to abolish injustice in the 21st century through a comprehensive system of preventative measures, victim protection, prosecution of violators, and strategic partnerships."
Human Trafficking is a real problem in the world today. Here are some facts:
• Every 30 seconds, another person becomes a victim.
• There are an estimated 27 million in bondage across the globe.
• Only 1-2% of victims are ever rescued and 1 in 1,000,000 traffickers are ever convicted.
A21 has had so many success stories recently... but the work is so far from finished. If you would like to donate to A21... please click here.
We need to be in it to end it. Because we can.
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
My Journey
Today my post is inspired by my "time hop" app on my phone. I'm going to share with you a little bit about my testimony and how God used a group of junior high students three years ago to change my life. First, let me show you the Facebook post from three years ago that I'm referring to:
Now, if you have taken the time to read all of this... then I want to encourage you. Please, please, please... do not run away from what God wants you to do. I promise you that His plan for your life is SO much better than anything you will try to do on your own. It will not be easy. The devil will throw all sorts of things at you to try and get you off track because frankly, satan doesn't want you to accomplish God's plan. The devil will use anything and anyone to trick you away from God's call. Don't let him get to your head and your heart. Christ is more powerful than any scheme the devil has. Keep your eyes fixed on the Author and Perfecter of your faith because through Him you have authority over Satan and all you need to do is speak the name of Jesus and he will flee from you. Do not lose hope, do not give up. Christ has your back and He will work everything together for your good.
Now that you've read through that... let's go back. I've known I was called into the ministry since 2006 and even though in my mind, there were times I wanted to do other things, my heart always knew it was ministry. However, even though I knew I wanted to go into ministry, I had no clue which form of ministry. So I headed to VFCC in 2010 and entered as a Christian Ministries major with a drama concentration because I knew I wanted to go into ministry and I knew I loved theater. However, that turned out to not be quite what I thought it would be. I then switched to Children's Ministry and added a drama minor, but that wasn't for me either. I felt so lost because I didn't have a clue what to do. I remember the spot I was sitting on campus when I called my parents crying because I didn't know what to do. It was my mom who sort of pushed me to change my major once again to Youth Ministry... stating that "she has always been able to see me working with teenagers." So, I entered my third major since starting college in April of 2011 and I am thankful to say that I will be graduating with a degree in that third major.
However, since I changed my major to Youth Ministry, there have been times I thought of changing it. The most significant snag in that plan came in July of 2011, only a few short months after I began that journey. I grew up in the Southern New England District of the Assemblies of God and I had gone to camp every summer since 2004. So naturally, after my first year of college I wanted to head back to camp as a team leader and because I had completed my first year of college, even though I was still only 18, I was eligible. I'll be the first to tell you that just because you're eligible to be a leader, if you're that young, doesn't mean you should... at least not for senior high camp. I went to senior high camp as a leader that summer... and honestly had one of the worst weeks of my life. It was very difficult for me to have a team full of mostly 18 year olds who were supposed to be under my authority, when I was only 18 myself. It also didn't help that my entire team was my friends, people I grew up with and who were only a grade level or two younger than me. Now, healing and forgiveness has happened and come in those relationships since that week... but in those moments... I was angry. By Wednesday of that week, I was done. I couldn't wait for the end of the week to come and when it did... I was seriously doubting my calling. I wanted to walk away from youth ministry... run away, actually. Physically, mentally, emotionally... I was exhausted. I went to bed that Friday night pleading with God to give me something else, anything else... to do with my life... because if youth ministry was what I experienced the last five days... I wanted nothing to do with it.
I slept in the next day, naturally. However, when I did wake up, I felt strangely at peace. It was a very interesting feeling considering the week I had just had. That afternoon, my phone rang and it was my district youth director's wife, the lovely Mrs. Tina Moen. I answered the phone, wondering what was about to happen. As it turned out, they had three female leaders for junior high camp drop out at the last minute and Tina was calling to ask if I could come back for another week. I wanted to immediately tell her no... but something told me to wait. I told her I would talk to my parents and call her back. My parents were concerned about me going back, naturally, because I was sick and because they knew how bad my experience was the previous week. We talked about it and after some thinking of my own... I decided to go back for junior high camp. I could feel something pushing me to do so... so I did.
Going back for that second week of camp was one of the best decisions I've ever made. I had the best kids. My co-leader, Daniel, was great and supportive. I had five girls, Devon, Sarah, Jocelyn, Audrey and Isabella and I bonded with them so much. The boys were incredible as well and by Wednesday, all the kids were calling me mom. The kids were respectful, they loved to have fun, and most of all they loved Jesus. God used that group of junior high students to completely transform my life and my heart. After the week of high school camp before it, my heart was so hardened to ever doing youth ministry again, let alone for the rest of my life. However, the Holy Spirit tugged on my heart to go back for junior high and He used my kids to soften my heart again to it. Those kids snuck around the blockades I had put up after the last week and kicked them down from the inside. God transformed my heart that week and re-solidified my call to work with youth for the rest of my life... and He used some pretty awesome people to accomplish that. Three years later... I sit here writing this and I am so thankful that I didn't give up. I'm so thankful I went back for another week... and I am SO excited and blessed that I get to do youth ministry for the rest of my life.
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The kids who stole my heart. <3 |
Now, if you have taken the time to read all of this... then I want to encourage you. Please, please, please... do not run away from what God wants you to do. I promise you that His plan for your life is SO much better than anything you will try to do on your own. It will not be easy. The devil will throw all sorts of things at you to try and get you off track because frankly, satan doesn't want you to accomplish God's plan. The devil will use anything and anyone to trick you away from God's call. Don't let him get to your head and your heart. Christ is more powerful than any scheme the devil has. Keep your eyes fixed on the Author and Perfecter of your faith because through Him you have authority over Satan and all you need to do is speak the name of Jesus and he will flee from you. Do not lose hope, do not give up. Christ has your back and He will work everything together for your good.
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Summer Coverage
Ladies, how many of us struggle with finding a make up that will stay on through the hot summer months without breaking the bank? I know I do. It seems that every year I try something new and nothing has given me the look I want for summer without looking cakey or being way out of my price range to continue as a regular routine. I just returned from my second week of summer camp and after the first one, I knew it was time to try yet another combo. The first week I continued with my Maybelline and E.l.f makeup. I put it on in the morning and by lunchtime, it had all worn off. I usually went the afternoon without makeup and then I would need to re-apply before service that evening. Well, I refused to do that again for the second week, so at Walmart I set off in search of something new to try that didn't cost $10 a bottle.
Eventually, I decided to try Rimmel London products. I was super nervous because I've never used them before and with only paying about $3 for each product (including foundation) I didn't really expect great things. I was proved wrong. I bought a concealer, foundation, and pressed powder and spent less than $10 and let me say, the stuff is amazing. It stayed on my face all throughout the day withstanding sweat, kids, and activities. I didn't NEED to reapply before service at night (even though I did most days because I showered between the activities and services) and it didn't look like my make up was caked on and unnatural.
Go ahead and find these products in your own shade and enjoy using them! I know I do!
Here are the products I purchased:
Eventually, I decided to try Rimmel London products. I was super nervous because I've never used them before and with only paying about $3 for each product (including foundation) I didn't really expect great things. I was proved wrong. I bought a concealer, foundation, and pressed powder and spent less than $10 and let me say, the stuff is amazing. It stayed on my face all throughout the day withstanding sweat, kids, and activities. I didn't NEED to reapply before service at night (even though I did most days because I showered between the activities and services) and it didn't look like my make up was caked on and unnatural.
Go ahead and find these products in your own shade and enjoy using them! I know I do!
Here are the products I purchased:
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Rimmel London Match Perfection 2-in-1 Concealer & Highlighter |
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Rimmel London Clean Finish Foundation |
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Rimmel London Stay Matte Pressed Powder |
go, go, go! that's how my life has been the last two weeks or so, which is my explanation for not blogging since July 3rd. Today I'm relaxing and catching up on my blogging, emails, social media, etc. I've been out of state for 13 out of the last 17 days in New Hampshire and Rhode Island, but my heart is so full.
I spent the week of July 6th-11th up in Rumney, NH with about 250 high schoolers from around Southern New England. I was quite nervous going into the week, because I have never had a great experience at high school camps, but that quickly changed and the week shattered my expectations for the future. I recognized that the previous times I had endured high school camps, I was simply too young. It is difficult to lead a group of 18 year olds when you are only 18,19, or 20 yourself. Also, I got to lead a team of amazing high schoolers with three amazing people. Amanda, Matt, Kev... thank you for being so wonderful.
I came home Friday, wrote a book review, did laundry and went to bed. Saturday I re-packed and then Sunday the 13th along with my cousin Ryan, I headed back up to Rumney for round two of camp, this time with 150 junior highers. I love middle school camp, I always have. I was tired from the start but this week was the most fulfilling and fun week of my summer. I got to co-lead a team with one of my favorite people, Mr. Eddie Boyle, and we had an amazing group of kids. Our team came in 7th out of 8, but that wasn't what it was about for us. We had fun and we grew closer to God and to each other as a team.
This year changed my view on high school camps forever and I had one of the best weeks ever and a huge thank you from my heart goes out to everyone who played a role in the changing of my heart. I've always loved junior high camps, and that didn't change last week. I am SO thankful, happy, and excited that I am called into youth ministry. It is seriously the most fun job in the world and I get to do it for the rest of my life. I am so blessed. Not to mention, it had been two years since I was in SNEMN for camps and I can't believe how much I truly missed it. My heart is in this district. Added bonus: seeing some of the most dear people to my heart for two weeks in a row.
Yesterday I spent the day with a bunch of students at the beach in Rhode Island and I realized how true it is that youth ministry doesn't slow down. I also realized that I love the lifestyle that you have to live when you're in youth ministry and again I will mention that I am so blessed to be able to do it for the rest of my life.
Here are some pictures from my journeys the last couple weeks! I am blessed. I am happy.
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My dear Vanessa. This girl is so special to me and I am so glad I got to spend two weeks in a row with her. |
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First night of service at high school camp. |
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Some of my high school girls and my co-leader! (L-R) Alyssa, Julie, Me, Amanda, Rachel, and MaryAlyce |
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The beautiful, talented, loving, and wonderful Amanda Souza. So blessed to have led a team with her. |
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Team Wildman. SNEMN High School Camp 2014 I love these faces. |
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Enjoyed watching some ultimate on the first night back in Rumney last Sunday. |
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Vanessa got the ketchup corner because her girls lost the flag. She took it like a champ. |
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Lake Day! Stinson Lake, NH |
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Seeing teenagers worship pierces my heart. |
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My goofball cousin Ryan. I am so proud of this guy. |
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My dauntless, energetic and amazing co-leader and friend, Eddie. Even after a trip to the hospital on Tuesday this guy still gave his all for the rest of the week. What a pro. |
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Misquamicut Beach, Westerly, RI. Spent yesterday here with the youth group. Even though it was fairly gloomy, we still had a blast and got some relaxation in. |
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Apartment Ideas
I am so excited to move into an on-campus apartment with some lovely ladies this fall! Here are some cute decorative ideas I've come across on Pinterest for the apartment!
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I love this idea for the bathroom so we can each have our own jar! |
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Adorable way to decorate a wasted space wall! |
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Loving this idea for an entry! |
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Cute and Chic bed area. |
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My favorite part. Coffee and Jesus :) |
Life recently has been a little bit of a whirlwind with some moments of relaxation...
It's been about two weeks since I had enough time to sit down and post. This will be more of a picture post to show you what I've been up to! I hope you enjoy!
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Sarah and I went to a picnic at the community center in the place my Nana lives on the first day of summer! It was a lovely time. 6/21/14 |
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After the picnic, Sarah and I went to see "The Fault in Our Stars". If you haven't seen this movie yet, you must. Also, bring tissues. 6/21/14 |
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The sun was beautiful over my backyard last week. 6/22/14 |
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I really never watch soccer... but I love Greece and it was so cool to see them advance for the first time in World Cup history. 6/24/14 |
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One of my favorite things about summer so far is Ice Cream Dates with my sister 6/24/14 |
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My baby cousins came over last week for a day in the pool! 6/25/14 |
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My friends got married in PA last weekend and I got to see all of these lovely faces. I don't like that they're all graduated now. 6/28/14 |
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The lovely Mr. and Mrs. Gonteski! Congratulations Tim and Vanessa! 6/28/14 |
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I love having a pool at my house. This week my Aunt Sharla is visiting from Iowa and we have been spending a lot of time just relaxing by the pool. I love summer. |
100 Happy Days!
Hello Everyone!
It has been quite a few days since I last posted, but as we all know... life gets busy sometimes. I might do a few posts today but something I definitely wanted to share with you is my Instagram project that I'm doing! A lot of people are doing it and its called 100 Happy Days! Every day I will be posting a picture of something that made me happy that day with the hashtag #100happydays :) If you would like to follow along on my 100 days of happiness, there is a link on the side of my blog to my instagram or you can search "kayciedvt"! I would love to share them with you!
It has been quite a few days since I last posted, but as we all know... life gets busy sometimes. I might do a few posts today but something I definitely wanted to share with you is my Instagram project that I'm doing! A lot of people are doing it and its called 100 Happy Days! Every day I will be posting a picture of something that made me happy that day with the hashtag #100happydays :) If you would like to follow along on my 100 days of happiness, there is a link on the side of my blog to my instagram or you can search "kayciedvt"! I would love to share them with you!
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