Monday, October 20, 2014

Grateful Heart Monday

This is going to be my first time joining in on Ember Grey's Link Up for Grateful Heart Monday! :) I'm really excited about finally joining in on this! This Monday, I have a lot of things to be grateful for, but two things are especially sticking out to me on this chilly day.

The first of these two things is my boyfriend, Asa. Words pretty much can't describe how grateful I am for him. This last week has been pretty stressful for me with classes and work and a bunch of other little things that really probably shouldn't bother me, but sometimes, they just do. When all these things kind of pile up on me, I sometimes can get a little crazy and accidentally take out my frustration on him (working on it). Something I am so thankful for today is his amazing and unending patience and love towards me even when I am stressed and freaking out. Seriously, this guy has all kinds of grace towards me. God has blessed me in incredible ways with allowing me the privilege of dating him, and I am so very grateful for this man. Plus, I think he's pretty handsome. :)

The second thing that my little heart is grateful for is laughter and friendship. Last night and today, I joined in a little study partnership with my friends Josh and Molly for our Theology Exam that we had today... which all three of passed with a 30 or more (out of 40), by the way. Having some company around and helping each other study was so much fun. Today, Josh and I studied in the library before the exam and our studying was well accompanied with laughter and silly ways to remember our test material. Once our test was finally over, we joined our friend Sarah in the Anvil for some lunch and the next half hour was filled with laughter between the three of us and others who passed through like Sam and Kelsey. It filled my heart with joy to be around people who are happy about life and who enjoy laughing and fellowship as much as I do. 

These are the things that I am grateful most for today. Now, back to homework. 

What about you? What are you grateful for? 

Ember Grey: Grateful Heart

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited that you decided to link up, Kaycie!! Sounds like you have some pretty great and supportive people to help you get through :) Wishing you a great rest of the week!!
